COVID-19 & Online Ordering
We are officially open for business but because of the Coronavirus, things will be run differently this year. We are only allowing 15 people within the farm, and will ask people to please wait patiently until it is their turn to get inside. We would like to remind everyone that there is no overhead cover within the farm, so for bad weather please bring boots, raincoat, umbrella, anything to keep you dry and warm.
We know that coming to Meservey Farms can be a family event, but due to the circumstances we ask you to please limit to 1-2 people per household. Greenhouses will be open, but we ask to try to limit how many people are inside of one to 1-2 people. Please come with a list handy for quick purchasing and we will be glad to help you. We still only take cash and checks. We have upped our vegetable seedling production due to the demand.
Another update, because of the Coronavirus we have moved to have the option of online ordering & curbside pickup. This can be done via email ( and if you do not have access to email please feel free to call. Orders are first come, first served and below is some frequently asked questions about the ordering process for Meservey Farms.
We strive to keep everyone healthy and safe this season, and we hope all is well!
Thank you,
Everyone at Meservey Farms
Where should I order?
How do I Know Whats In Stock?
Please send orders to with the word ORDER in the subject. Please include a list of what you would like, your name, email and phone number. If you cannot email please feel free to call us at 2079293248.
Please click here to see a full detailed list of what is ready, week by week. If it is not on the list you will not receive it. If it is in a previous weeks list, it should be available unless noted otherwise. Some things may be ready at a later date, so keep checking for updates!

When Will My Order Be Ready?
Orders are FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED. We fill orders as they come in, first email gets filled first and so on. We only have so many people to fill orders and so much time within a day, you may have to wait a couple days for your order to be ready. You will receive a phone call when your order is ready.